Principles of good communication and dialogue
The AIB wishes to be available to external partners.
The AIB principles of good communication and dialogue support the AIB set of values.
- Dialogue generates common results
- Always willingness to assist either by phone, in writing or in person
- We will do as we tell you, and tell you what we will do
- We are all ambassadors and we keep the AIB image in view
Prioritisation of the AIB communication
Prioritising the AIB communication is made on the basis of the following four criteria:
- Investigations, in which the AIB is the responsible safety investigation authority
- Investigations, in which the AIB supports the responsible safety investigation authority
- General queries on subjects related to the AIB work scope
- Additional queries
In connection with a high workload or outside the office opening hours, the AIB may decide to give the communication with the press and media a lower priority.
Enquiries from the press and media will be handled as soon as possible.
Every employee at the AIB may make statements on subjects related the field and area of responsibility of that specific employee.
Only the head of the AIB or the deputy head of the AIB may make statements on overall organisational and political subjects.
The general rules of freedom of speech and duty of secrecy are valid - also in the communication with the press and media. The duty of secrecy is of great importance in order to obtain necessary information which might identify potential improvements of safety.
Within the office opening hours, the AIB may be contacted either by phone +45 33 14 70 80 or by e-mail .