
Since 1979, the Accident Investigation Board (AIB) has conducted independent and impartial investigations of accidents and serious incidents.

Aa safety investigation of an accident in 1972 near Dubai to a Danish registered aircraft led to the establishment of an independent and impartial commission. An safety investigation team from the supervisory authority conducted the investigation of the accident near Dubai.

At the publication of the final report, new factors were revealed, which had not been investigated. These factors related to the role and area of responsibility of the supervisory authority.

On the 1st of January 1979, an independent and impartial commission named the Aircraft Accident Investigation Board (AAIB) was established. The AAIB existed until June 2004. In June 2004, a new organisation was established conducting both aviation and railway investigations. The new organisation was named the Accident Investigation Board - Aviation and Railway. The Accident Investigation Board or the AIB - in everyday speech .

The Aviation Unit

The Aviation Unit of the AIB consists of five safety investigators; a head of the Aviation Unit, two operational safety investigators with a background as airline pilots and two technical safety investigators.

The unit combination is consistent with the ICAO (International Civil Aviation Organization) guidelines assuring academic breadth and competence in investigating and preventing accidents and serious incidents.

The investigation areas of responsibility of the Aviation Unit are Denmark, Greenland and the Faroe Islands.

Furthermore, the Aviation Unit as a accredited representative represents Denmark in safety investigations abroad of Danish registered aircraft or safety investigations of accidents or serious incidents involving Danish citizens.